Gli impianti short, ormai da anni, si sono dimostrati come una valida alternativa chirurgica minimamente invasiva, sia in mandibola, che nel mascellare posteriore atrofico.
L'utilizzo degli short, utilizzati con le dovute tecniche chirurgiche, evita di dover eseguire interventi spesso complessi come GBR verticali - Sinus Lift laterali per la riabilitazione del delle arcate del paziente.
In questo studio prospettico multicentrico vengono comparati gli impianti Short M2 bone-level agli impianti Short M2 tissue-level.
Gli autori dell'articolo sono:
Claudio Stacchi
Teresa Lombardi
Antonio Rapani
Fatima Ezeddine
Giulia Perazzolo
Roberto Di Lenarda
Stefano Sivolella
Università coinvolte nello studio multicentrico:
Department of Health Sciences, “Magna Græcia” University, Catanzaro - Italy
Department of Medical, Surgical and Health Sciences, University of Trieste - Italy
Department of Neurosciences, University of Padova - Italy
Jung-Woo Koh, DDS, MSD, Jae-Ho Yang, DDS, MSD, PhD, [...], and Sung-Hun Kim, DDS, PhD
Macroscopic and especially microscopic properties of implant surfaces play a major role in the osseous healing of dental implants. Dental implants with modified surfaces have shown stronger osseointegration than implants which are only turned (machined). Advanced surface modification techniques such as anodic oxidation and Ca-P application have been developed to achieve faster and stronger bonding between the host bone and the implant.
Lin-Jie Li, So-Nam Kim, and Sung-Am Cho
Abstract : PURPOSE
In this study, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of implant surface treatment on cell differentiation of osteoblast cells. For this purpose, three surfaces were compared: (1) a modified SLA (MSLA: sand-blasted with large grit, acid-etched, and immersed in 0.9% NaCl), (2) a laser treatment (LT: laser treatment) titanium surface and (3) a laser and acid-treated (LAT: laser treatment, acid-etched) titanium surface.
Michel Dard, Makoto Shiota, Minoru Sanda, Yasutomo Yajima, Hideshi Sekine,and Shohei Kasugai
The aim of the study was to evaluate whether early loading of implants with a chemically modified sandblasted, large-grit, acid-etched (SLA) (SLActive®) surface was non-inferior to conventional loading in terms of change in crestal bone level.
Hyun-Joo Kim, Yeun-Kang Kim, Ji-Young Joo, Ju-Youn Lee
Abstract: PURPOSE
The possibility of immediate or early loading has become popular in implant dentistry. A prerequisite for the immediate or early loading of an implant prosthesis is the achievement of initial stability in the implant. Moreover, in response to clinicians' interest in verifying clinical stability to determine the optimal time point for functional loading, a non-invasive method to assess implant stability has been developed on the basis of resonance frequency analysis (RFA). The primary objective of this study was to monitor the stability of sandblasted, large-grit, and acid-etched (SLA) implants with different diameters during the early phases of healing by RFA. The secondary objective was to evaluate how the initial stability of implants varied depending on different surface modifications and other contributing factors.
Nuovo approccio nella scelta del posizionamento implantare in senso corono-apicale.
Questo approccio contribuisce a minimizzare il riassorbimento osseo marginale durante il ripristino dell'ampiezza biologica peri-implantare.
Nuova sonda per la corretta valutazione della posizione corono-apicale dell'impianto in funzione dell'altezza dei tessuti molli.
La nuova sonda SSL-M2 semplifica la misurazione dello spessore dei tessuti molli durante la fase di scollamento del lembo chirurgico.
Sulla sonda sono riportate delle tacche laser per determinare in modo immediato il biotipo dei tessuti molli sopracrestali (sottile - altezza <2.5 mm; medio - altezza tra 2.5 e 3.5 mm; spesso - altezza >3.5 mm) e pianificare di conseguenza il posizionamento dell'impianto in senso corono-apicale favorendo il corretto ripristino dell'ampiezza biologica e limitando il riassorbimento dell'osso marginale peri-implantare.
Pico A, Martín-Lancharro P, Caneiro L, Nóvoa L, Batalla P, Blanco J.
Clin Oral Implants Res. 2019;30(7):595-602.
Spinato S, Stacchi C, Lombardi T, Bernardello F, Messina M, Zaffe D.
Clin Oral Implants Res. 2019;30(7):649-659.
Spinato S, Stacchi C, Lombardi T, Bernardello F, Messina M, Dovigo S, Zaffe D.
Int J Oral Implantol (Berl). 2020;13(3):279-290.
Linkevicius T, Puisys A, Linkevicius R, Alkimavicius J, Gineviciute E, Linkeviciene L
Clin Implant Dent Relat Res. 2020;22(4):497-506.